H.A.R.T Technical Line Rescue Unit
™ is based in
Glasgow. We are the only volunteer urban rescue unit in
Scotland, specialising in technical line rescue.
The High Access Rescue Team Ltd was formed in September 1996 offering support, equipment and expertise to any service or organisation requiring our services. The team are on-call for high, inaccessible, difficult and confined space rescues by rope access methods to reach and recover casualties who are in difficulty. The team are trained experts in technical line rescue and can also offer medical and first aid support to the emergency services – in areas which would normally be inaccessible.
The team currently has 15 members and hopes to increase its strength to a team of 20 members for on-call status, with 15 on reserve and in training. Whilst all team members have their own Access Equipment, Team Leaders carry extra substantial rescue kit, ie ropes, hauling / anchor gear, and stretchers etc. Resuscitation and medical equipment is carried as part of the standard equipment.
Members train regularly at the team’s base in all aspects of line rescue. H.A.R.T. conducts full scale exercises on tower cranes, high rise flats, hydraulic and cable suspended platforms.
Taking rescue to new heights: We focus in providing a Safe, Efficient and Professional Rescue Service to our clients and the Construction Industry who have tower cranes operating within Scotland, with over 18 years of experience we have a proven track record in supplying comprehensive rescue plans which cover all aspects for Rescues carried out at height and with the extra support from a dedicated team of volunteers who can be mobilised at short notice in the event a Rescue has to be carried out.
Pre Rescue Plans are also available for dockside and container cranes, silos and maintenance cradles, using line rescue techniques on any structure over 100ft which may be out of reach of local authorities and the emergency service.
H.A.R.T. provides the following key services:
1. Emergency urban high access technical line rescue with supporting medical / first aid cover
2. Risk Assessments / Pre Rescue Plans for high access areas including Tower Cranes
3. Technical support to other Rescue Teams
4. Training to own team members to improve skills
5. Facilitating fund raising events on behalf of other charities
6. Rescue team can be deployed UK wide when required
7. Providing standby Rescue cover situated on site for any special job / safety requirements
Please join the mailing list and the forum so that we can keep you up to date with future events or you require any further information on our Rescue Team please contact us via email.

Involved in Emergency Planning, Response or Recovery?
Join the
High Access Rescue Team at this years emergency services show at the
SECC Emergency Scotland 2011 is Scotland’s only
FREEExhibition for anyone involved in emergency planning,
response or recovery.
Tuesday 5th and
Wednesday 6th July 2011Location: The Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre, Glasgow
To register and find out more: