In Support of Help For Heroes

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25 May 2011
Defect :: ABSORBICA energy absorbers Concerns
REQUEST FOR IMMEDIATE SELF-INSPECTION for all ABSORBICA energy absorbers Concerns all ABSORBICA energy...

03 May 2011
SHEEP trapped on a perilous cliff-face have been saved by rescue teams.
SHEEP trapped on a perilous cliff-face for over a week have been saved by rescue teams...

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World Record Attempt
Help For Heroes Training Day
As far as we know this is the first time that all the emergency services and tri services have joined forces to support one cause! The teams are made up from service personnel not only from the UK, but they are coming from as far afield as Cyprus. 

The day before the event the army team from Cyprus had to call off! due to the military aircraft they were to fly back to the UK in, got called for other operational duties  the Hart team would like to thank David Longmuir and guys in sunny Cyprus for all their hard work and sweat they put into training for this event, I know Davids father well and was getting regular updates on how hard the guys were pushing for this event and how gutted they are not to make it. Things happen beyond our control! but see you guys for next years event.  

Royal Air Force Mrt:

British Army: Confirmed Details on team will follow shortly


The soldiers that will be taking part in the event are all from the Army Recruiting Team Technical/Logistic who’s primary role is to provide information and activities in-order to raise awareness of the trades on offer with the Army. In particular, The Royal Signals, The Royal Engineers, The Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers and The Royal Logistic Corps.

They are as follows:

Sgt Gaven Thomas – Royal Engineers

Sgt James Hamliton – REME

LCpl Gary Stephen – RLC

Cfn Dave Pryor – REME
 The HART team would like to thank the Army team for attending this event. These guy's only found out about the Cyprus team having to pull out at the last minute,  and were able to put a team together with only 24 hours notice. A special thanks must go to Joe Davidson as well for the help he gave us.  

Police:Confirmed Details on team will follow shortly
Fire Service: Confirmed Details on team will follow shortly
High Access Rescue Team: Confirmed

                                     HMS Coastguard


The HM Coastguard team is made up of 4 members of the Eastbourne coastguard cliff rescue team, We are starting from bottom right we have Ben Callaway team leader, bottom left Tony Brinard, top right Andy Lee & top left John Bridger.


We have the combined experience of 30 years and over 500 rescues under our belts making us one of the busiest teams in the country. We are all training hard to insure we have the stamina to undertake this fantastic event.


Each organisation should arrange their own teams. We are looking for people who are medically fit and they must have the stamina to complete between 60 to 80 vertical climbs and abseils (upper body strength is not a major issue) we perceive most of the hard work will be completed by the legs climbing the vertical ladder.


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6641 votes cast
Royal Air Force 10% (631) 
British Army 13% (843) 
Police 3% (171) 
Fire Rescue 11% (762) 
Ambulance Service 11% (732) 
Coastguard 38% (2513) 
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